The "Humans" of Truth Coffee: Thomas Boroma
Sep 15, 2021
Welcome to the blog series : The "Humans" of Truth Coffee.
“Human” : Introduce yourself to us and tell us what you do at Truth Coffee / how long have you been working here.
Thomas : “Hi my name is Thomas Boroma, I have been working at Truth Coffee for 8 years. I am the head trainer in the Truth Coffee Academy and part of the after-sales team. I started at the Prestwich Truth location as a barista, and 6 months later I was promoted to be a trainer. And the rest is history.”
“Human” : What is your favourite thing about working at Truth?
Thomas : “Quite a lot - but the most important thing is that the environment is conducive enough for growth. I have managed to challenge myself and grow as a person in regards to my career as well as personal growth.”
“Human” : What is your current favourite coffee and how are you making it?
Thomas : “I am enjoying Relativity (Truth Coffee Blend) these days - loving it. I make it at the Coffee Academy. When I am at home, I make what I have in whatever method I feel like in that moment. Outside of Truth Coffee, I go for coffee at Field Office in Woodstock.”
“Human” : Who are you when you aren't at work? Tell us more about your life, hobbies and your favourite movie of all time!
Thomas : “I am first and foremost a father and a husband. I love hiking and soccer - I have a background in football and have played professionally. I don't want to pursue it as a career but I would love to give back and train.”
“Human” : What is inspiring you in life right now?
Thomas : “During these times, there aren't many inspiring moments and there are things in life trying to keep us back and hold us down. My biggest inspiration and motivation is my son. He is positive and energetic and it is infectious. My family inspires me to keep going and not give up.”
“Human” : Describe yourself in a #
Thomas : Looks at me funny. “Geez girl… that's a strange question. I guess, #authentic.”
“Human” : If you could have a Super power, what would it be?
Thomas : “Alright… I was about to say inspiration, but I feel like that's the end result of being a healer. I love helping and giving back, I would like to have the power of healing.”
“Human” : Anything else you want to tell the people out there?
Thomas : You know what. There are always challenges in life as long as you live - the most important thing is to get through the moments and when you get out you will feel grateful. It won't always be what you want or what you need but as long as you get to understand the process, you will learn from it.
At this point, there were 3 cups of coffee handed to us and we slurped the rest of the afternoon away.