A Hard Act To Follow
Jun 07, 2017
A few years ago an article came out in the UK declaring us the world's coolest coffee shop. Then Shanna's amazing photos (in the gallery below) went viral. The media attention was a delight to our fledgeling new shop.
This last week has been filled with responding to the attention from the UK Telegraphs piece on the World's best Coffee Shops. They had us in the #1 slot.
#1 Slot on the Telegraph "Worlds Best Coffee Shops"
First off what an honour for us. Secondly. Man, that sets standards to live up to. And that is the good part.
Every corner of our business that is under powered now urgently needs attention. The motivation in the team is super encouraging. The Energy is palpable. The tasks relentless and endless.
Our Service standards in the cafe were the first to suffer. An instant jump in trade, with no pool of "spare" people. Hiring. Training. Hiring Training... as it says on the shampoo bottle "rinse and repeat"
We even celebrated with this shiny new website, Like it? OK OK, with a name like Truth. It involves standards. Yes, we were building it anyway. But wasn't the timing fortuitous?
This is also the week that Starbucks announced it is coming to South Africa. We keep getting asked if we feel threatened by this. Really? Does anyone who takes speciality coffee roasting seriously feel threatened? Come on.
What an amazing journey we have been on so far. What an amazing partnership and team. The future journey should be even more exciting.
Back to that bit about our name. We are a principled company. Our current focus is on creating the Joy of the Extraordinary Truth
"The Joy of the Extraordinary Truth"
A relentless pursuit, and that to which we attribute our success. That and our belief in a process of continuous learning. We believe part of our global recognition flows from the belief that we need to continuously strive for a better way of doing things.
A lofty goal like that is a hard taskmaster. And we respect it. We hope it works for you too?